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Optimal Electrolyte Lemonade

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Support your electrolytes in a tasty way... Read More

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Electrolytes are key when dealing with chronic health issues due to inflammation causing them to get burned out. 

Add a scoop of this lemonade flavored to your water bottle every day to help support your body's needs for these minerals. 

Key Benefits and Actions

  • May help support healthy hydration and fluid balance
  • May help support mitochondrial health
  • May help support healthy muscle function
  • May help support healthy energy levels

Optimal Electrolyte by Seeking Health provides key nutrients in an easy-to-use powder form to support peak physical performance

With no artificial flavors or colors, Optimal Electrolyte offers a healthy alternative to high-sugar sports drinks. These key ingredients, along with important mineral electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, make Optimal Electrolyte an excellent choice for supporting endurance and energy levels as part of your daily routine or fitness regimen.

It takes only a 1% loss of water to create symptoms of dehydration.

Attention, concentration, memory and overall mental processing speed are all negatively affected by just a 1% loss of hydration.

Assess each statement below. If you can relate to one or more, then Optimal Electrolyte may be the electrolyte supplement you need:

  • I have been drinking high sodium electrolytes which are causing me to experience water retention and bloat.
  • Histamine intolerance and mast cell activation are negatively affecting me. I hear that hydration supports a healthy histamine response and healthy histamine levels.
  • No matter what electrolyte I try, I tend to cramp. I would like to find an electrolyte that supports healthy muscle contraction and muscle relaxation.
  • I tend to wake up at night and pee. I would like to sleep throughout the night.
  • I drink water and find that I need to go pee right away. I would like to drink water and not pee so frequently.
  • I'm looking for a healthy, great-tasting electrolyte to add to our filtered water to encourage my family and me to drink more water. We don't like plain water and need flavor to stay hydrated. I often get headaches from dehydration, so a tasty, healthy electrolyte is essential.
  • I frequently consume caffeinated beverages, soda, flavored water, juice, or alcohol, but I want to replace these with a low-calorie, healthy, effective, and great-tasting electrolyte option that helps with hydration and has fewer carbs and sugar than coconut water.
  • I would like to experience a consistent, rhythmic heartbeat.
  • I often get headaches especially if I don’t hydrate. I would like to support healthy hydration so my head feels healthy.
  • I’m taking diuretics, albuterol, laxatives, or insulin. My doctor says I need to support healthy hydration and support healthy potassium levels.
  • I’m overweight. I heard recently that having a higher proportion of body fat to muscle mass leads to lower total body water content.
  • My legs tend to spasm and move involuntarily at night. I would like to support healthy sleep and muscle function.
  • I travel a lot by plane and experience fatigue after flying. Airplanes tend to dehydrate me due to the very low humidity in the cabin. I need to support healthy hydration while flying.
  • I’m pregnant and will be breast feeding. I need to support healthy hydration for me, and my baby..
  • I live in a windy, dry or sunny environment. I know I’m losing a lot of water through my skin.
  • I’m looking for a stevia-free, sugar-free and citric acid-free electrolyte.
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Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sun: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Due to COVID-19 all shipping time has increased. We get your package out as quickly as possible, but there are delays in most areas.


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Due to the nature and safety of supplements, we cannot accept returns. All sales are final.

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